Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I Hate Public Speaking (C 16)


Anonymous said...

'I hate public speaking' is a video that seems to be quite funny for me at a first glance.After,the video is being repeated,I realized that it contains an important message for the people who thinks that public speaking is something that frightens them the most.It brings up the question 'Why should we be afraid of public speaking?' and brings up the confident within each viewers right after watching that video.I believe that everybody will gain more confident to speak in front of a crowd after listening to the song's lyrics carefully.

Anonymous said...

backia said...
The video clip titled'I Hate Public Speaking' is a song that really impressed me as a unversity student.I realized that public speking is a talent that student can show off to everybody.It is also a good programme for student to learnt so many things about public speaking and learn from mistakes that they did.Besides that,public speaking can lead once to be more confident of their self too and finally i would say that i kike the song and i really enjoyed it as well.

Anonymous said...

i love this song...especially the part " I hate public speaking " where all the students sing togeher....if we look at the lyrics carefully,the 'real' content of the lyric display the things we do on our public speaking..sweating,frightening, show that we should not use those things as an excuse for us to hate public speaking.In fact after i watch the video,i admit that i started to like public speaking.The title "I hate public speaking" really make people like public's a good song with full of meaningfull advice...not just provide us with something that will encourage us to public speaking...I "hate" public speaking.

Anonymous said...

Satis said;

From my opinion,every student should lisen "i had public speaking" song because,from that we can realized our self and will get to know about our stages. Student should improve their skills in order to present a quality presentation. Firstly,i just laugh with my friends when i view the song. Then i bring up some question,"Why we all hate the public speaking?".After that,i got some message from the song that tell us always should aleart to improve our skills. Forexample communication skills,leadership skiils and speaking skills,because this is a skills will always help us to bring out or create our good images

Anonymous said...

from the video beside of release our tension after watching so many videos, actually it tell us that we should not being afraid to do public speaking.. later on, if we practise many time, it can improve our public speaking skill. like english word "practise make perfect"... So everyone must make sure that they are not get left behind so that it can help you when i come to working time.. good luck to everyone...

Anonymous said...

at first sight,i told myself 'what a ridiculous and freak song'.yeah, with that blurr singer singing so bad.after it has been repeated for several times and most of us did sing together,i found that it was quite entertaining and fun.upon looking back to the lyrics,i asked myself,'do i hate public speaking?' is not to say that i like public speaking,but so far i can go on with it.furthermore,i did not sing that song even a word.yeah,that is because i do not hate public speaking!

Anonymous said...

Em..first of all, the song is terrible!!Till now, the song keep singing inside my head. Anyway, after understanding its meaning, I now realized how important for the public speaker to master the communication skill. This to ensure that the audience will not get bored or fall asleep during our presentation. So good luck everyone. Let’s try our best to improve our communication skills and have fun!

Anonymous said...

Ainy said..
When we mentions about the public speaking,it is something that can be frighten for us.Actually public speaking is good for us because it can help us to create our own ideas about a certains topic.It is also help us to improve our confident level when we giving a speech in front a thousand of peoples.Public speaking also make us to be more matured because we need to think more about the topic.In order to create our own ideas,we should have a strong general knowledges.In addition,public speaking also can improve our communication skills especially for the students in university.In my opinion,public speaking are not very bad because it has more advantages for us.So,why should we hate the public speaking???When we think deeply,we can realize that public speaking is good for us in order to be a succesful person.If we're dreaming to be a good leader among other peoples,we should start from now..Good luck..Thank you.

Anonymous said...

My opinion,athe video clip is very interesting,especilly the song 'I hate public speaking'. I really enjoy listening to the song. Actually, I don't like public speaking because I feel ashamed to speaking in audience and nervous. But i realised that public speaking
most important to improve our cummunication skill.I will try the best and brave myself to improve my cummunication skill...and good luck for everyone......

Anonymous said...

this is my first time I hear and sing that song.That why Ionly can sing at their corus.What the important things is I start love that song.Before this I just hear about this song from my friend.After I hear itself,it interesting.Maybe when we hear or sing this song we will happy,it true,but for me what more important is their content or their massage.Their lyric very suiatable for me.When I think it back,I will said "I do what this song said" for me this activity good for me..I hope we can do it again..Thank You Mdm.

Anonymous said...

My first impression when first time I heard this song, 'What a ridiculous song!' But then, I admitted it is quite interesting and entertaining although it is seem still ridiculous. The lyric is showing the bad attitude of a good speaker, which mostly people do that such thing. There are some attitude that I have when I need to speake in front of the crowd. Personally, I do not hate public speaking, but it is hard for me to be a good speaker since my English is not very well as my friends in C16. The whole lyric when we change into the antonym meaning, it will shows us how to be a good speaker. In fact, it is a guideline for people to be an excellent speaker. I hope all of C16 members can develop the public speaking skill very well, and also good in PR. Thank you Madam Noli. Thank you my fellow friends.

Anonymous said...

I feel I really in theatre for the first time I heard this song.Quite funny and strange,but I do relly enjoy when I sang the song.Not just enjoy,the lyric of the song also makes me realize that public speaking is something that I must face and master it.We do not afraid of public speaking because the great speaker are not born,but they keep do practice and training.Eye contact,facial expression and effective content are skills we need to master so that we can grab audience's attention.Last but not least,use humor and controlling nervousness can make us less pressure while facing crowd.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion,this song is very interesting and funny.I really enjoyed singing this song together with my friends.But.the most important things is, the symptom that was shown in the video clip are exactly the same as what I have been through before.Actually,I quite do not like public speaking because I think that I am not a good speaker.It is very challenging task to stand up in front of the crowd and talk about our own ideas. For me, public speaking is one kind of mind-torturing. When we were assigned to deliver speech or give a talk we would start to worry and freaking out to prepare a good speech.But because of nervousness we will automatically forgot everything and lost our word.It is normal to feel that way because we are normal personal and not gifted with the ability to talk like a leader. I hope that I will be able to talk well soon.

Anonymous said...

From the video that I watch, to be an expert public speaker, we must have a knowledge and point about the topic we want to talk. We must brave to show an action and joke in front of audience to attract them. Must have an introduction and conclusion, so that, audience know what they were listen about. At the same time, we must speak loudly and clearly. Eye contact with audience is very important in case to keep audience with us. Body language is important in order to make audience confidence with our presentation. Before start present, we must come early and have well prepared. In case have emergency situation, we are not panic. Just steady and make confidence that we can be an expert public speaker besides we have high skill. Hold hand together, relax, and feet comfortable.
As to be a good public speaker, we cannot turning back from audience because 90% come from mouth. This will show our weak and keep audience to sleep. We must full of high spirit in presentation. Do not have monotone style because this will keep audience sleep. If we have make mistakes, just be steady, do not get panic and cover it well. We must intelligent to have a great idea. It is good if we have a slide presentation but, make sure the slide is clear and attractive. Do not show it too fast but have own style.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy with the video. From the video, to be an expert public speaker, we must have a knowledge and point about the topic we want to talk. It helps me to learn more about speaking skill, communication skill and how to make confident. We must brave to show an action and joke in front of audience in order to attract them. In addition, public speaking is an important thing that everybody should expert because it useful in an interview, presentation and many more. The interesting songs make me full of high spirit to improve in public speaking. We will get better if we learn from mistakes. So, in my opinion, this video is interesting and useful.

Nadzirah said...

I hate public speaking????
I really agree with this statement... I dont like public speaking as it needs me to speak in front of other people. I admit that my confidence level is very low. I feel scared and awkward when I gives speech. I do feel scared too. However, I knew that public speaking is very important. For example, for students, public speaking it just like a daily needs as they have to present their paper work in front of their lecturer and other students. This show that, people who hate public speaking like me, should keep practising to ensure that their speaking skills to be better.

Anonymous said...

Assalamualikum.From the video that i've already watch.I realise that the song is quite interesting for those that really hate public speaking. Although,the lyrics is ridiculous and freak,but it contain morals too.As we know, public speaking can improve our speaking skill,communication skill and level of confidence. so, we need to practise even we don't like it.For all my friends, good luck and try your best to improve our speaking skills.

Anonymous said...

sofie said..
salam to all..
what i have to say about this song?
this song is quite funny.The lyrics easy to be understood and repeat for several time..i still hate public speaking eventhough i already heard that song.When i talk in front of many people and everyone see my face..i look stupid and afraid.i'm shaking and feel like there are butterflies in my stomach. however i tried my best to talk and hope i manage to speak better and better for the next time..i know public speaking are very important to me as a student and maybe after this in my working experience..thats all.. towards par excellence..

Anonymous said...

At first..I'm very happy because my english class was in mini theater. I'm so excited,i thought we can watch movie. I feel quite disappointed because i must watch many video about public speaking. Actually i'm quite boring but the song 'i hate public speaking was make me up .The video clip just like tease me. Honestly, i less skills for being a good speaker. Then, i recalled all the public speaking video before. I make a decision that i must change and must try to be a good speaker. So, i hope madam and all my class members can support me to improve my communication skills..

Anonymous said...

Actually everyone had their own opinion. No true and no false. For me"I hate public speaking" song is very related to everyone. It give a good reflection to student especially. Although the tone and thr lyric is very funny, actually there are a good message they want to introduce to audiences. For me a language is not a matter but the most important is how to express our effort to achieve it. Form that short movie, I had learn a technique on give a talk and also about the leadership needed.

Anonymous said...

expect the unexpected...first impression;it must be a great movie.the next moment i knew;what?public speaking?calm down,everthing is going to be all right-i convinced myself;or at least there is a bright side of being here;i sit next to a girl.positive thinking-do enjoy the show;once again i told myself.the atmosphere of the mini theater and the rustle sound of people moving around really made stressed me out.lucky me,the girl still glued to her seat.ENOUGH.
lets touch on all the videos.they were great visual tools to show the students about the DO's and DONT's.a vast array of presenting styles and skills were exposed.the pathetic microsoft guy was really annoying.a lesson for us.hurmm.what else?how about a talk called "THE LAST LECTURE".sounds creepy.not at all.through this video,i realised how important body language is.
here is the limelight;the "i hate public speaking song".what a catchy tune though.people sang along the was very cynical-for me,i bet.
And the girl was still there.

Anonymous said...


‘I hate public speaking’.. I’m so curious who was the composer and where did he/she get the idea to write out this kind of lyrics.. This songs really had spoke out the human’s thought while present in front of others.. Even just a small presentation in front of few people, we will still having the same problem that is - stage fright.. This is a serious problem that have been appeared last century I guess.. We do have practical since we are small.. our teacher do teach us all the skills.. we even have some organization such as ‘Toastmaster Club’ to help us to improve our skills.. but why until nowadays the problem still exist?! The only reason that I can explain is because we never take it seriously.. Whenever we doing our presentation.. we just like touch-and-go.. as long as we have done our part.. then we’ll think we really have done it.. no matter in what way such as how is our tone.. do we turn back to audience.. do we have eye contact with our audience.. how is our body language.. do we have enough confidence and so on.. Normally.. while we waiting for our turn to present.. we always suddenly will feel not feeling well or not comfortable like what the composer wrote.. all these are just the symptoms of nervous.. when you not feeling well.. doesn’t mean that you really sick.. all just because inside your mind you refuse to present.. so the ‘sickness’ just happen unconsciously.. let yourself have the excuse to run away.. this is human being.. always find excuse for ourselves.. So.. through the song.. let us try our best not to repeat the same mistakes as usual and improve together!! ^-^

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the song anyway... It is fun and full of meanings.... It even amused me when there were students sang together the song with big voice...haha..Well,when I come to UMP, I realised that public peaking is very important to us...We need to have good communication skills in order to become a marketable graduate.. Scoring in academic alone is not enough.. Good communication is still among the top list of demand criteria.. The 'I Hate Public Speaking' video is really true. I also afraid to stand up and speak in front. But like everyone else, I'll try my best to improve myself. So,all the best for me and wish me luck!!

Anonymous said...

Public speaking? Everyone seem scare when they have to give speech in front of people.
When I watch all the video I think everybody can talk even if she or he does not influent in English as well they must do a lot of practice. From the video too I got many things to improve my skill during giving a speech such as eye contact, body language, good point and the important is well prepared. To me, if someone is really expert about the topic that she or he will talk but not prepare at all the speech will become gloomy and not interesting. Besides, as a student we must have the right skill to face people while improving our self confident. So the video give a lot of information to me on how to be a best speaker. By the end of session , the song “I hate public speaking” is quite funny when the first time I heard it and I think the song is related to me…because the lyric is all about someone who is fear to speak and hate it but I does not totally hate public speaking just nervous and not have full confident when I have to go in front to talk. Hopefully, I can be an expert speaker and able to talk in front of people. So, my friends let love public speaking!!